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Summer Seminar 2003

C'Mon, You Still Know Them, Right? ;)

The Mission
The mission of the United States Naval Academy is to develop midshipmen morally, mentally and physically and to imbue them with the highest ideals of duty, honor and loyalty in order to provide graduates who are dedicated to a career of naval service and have potential for future development in mind and character to assume the highest responsibilities of command, citizenship and government.
Navy Core Values
Honor, Courage Commitment
Fifth Law of the Navy
On the strength of one link in the cable,
Dependeth the might of the chain,
Who knows when thou mayest ne tested?
So live that thou bearest the strain!
Five Basic Responses
Yes, sir/ma'am
No, sir/ma'am
I'll find out, sir/ma'am
No excuse, sir/ma'am
Aye, Aye, sir/ma'am
Navy Officer Ranks
O-1 Ensign
O-2 Lieutenant Junior Grade
O-3 Lieutenant
O-4 Lieutenant Commander
O-5 Commander
O-6 Captain
O-7 Rear Admiral (Lower Half)
O-8 Rear Admiral (Upper Half)
O-9 Vice Admiral
O-10 Admiral
O-11 Fleet Admiral
Navy Enlisted Ranks
E-1 Seaman Recruit
E-2 Seaman Apprentice
E-3 Seaman
E-4 PO* 3rd Class
E-5 PO 2nd Class
E-6 PO 1st Class
E-7 Chief PO
E-8 Senior Chief PO
E-9 Master Chief PO
PO* = Petty Officer
The Marine Officer's sword is modeled after the Mamaluke which was presented to Lt. Presely O'Bannon after taking the Fortress of Derna during the Barbary Wars.
Bancroft Hall has 33 acres of floor space and 4.8 miles of corridors!
Table Salt: How long have you been in the Navy?
All me bloomin' life, sir!  Me mother was a mermaid, me father was King Neptune.  I was born on the crest of a wave and rocked in the cradle of the deep.  Seaweed and barnacles are me clothes.  Every tooth in me head s a marlinspike; the hair on me head is hemp.  Every bone in me body is a spar, and when I spits, I spits tar!  I'se hard, I is, I am, I are!
Weapons Fore to Aft: DDG 51 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer
Mk 45 - 5", 54 calibur Dual Purpose Deck Gun
Mk 41 - Vertical Launching Missile System
Mk 16 - Phalanx Close In Weapon System
Mk 32 - 12.75" Triple Torpedo Tubes
Mk 141 - Dual Quad Canister Harpoon Missile Launcher
Mk 41 - Vertical Launching Missile System